Thursday 8 November 2012

Capturing the Footage

Today I captured the footage that I filmed so that I could watch it back and identify any parts that I need to re-film. Essentially, there are a few scenes which I think I need to re-do in order to make the overall appearance and audio better. One scene that I need to re-film was the scene where the character of Efa (Heather) is screaming. Although the screams that Heather produced on the day were sufficient I feel that, to really make my thriller effective, they need to be louder and more high pitched.

Additionally, another part that I feel needs to be re-filmed is when Heather is looking slightly off the camera in the hallway. At the time when I reviewed the footage on the camera the shot looked alright but after seeing it on the computer I think it needs to be longer and she should be looking even more away from the camera. I may have think about reshooting the whole scene as currently the place where I filmed it is unavailable to be filmed in due to unforeseen circumstances.

I am very happy with how the beginning scenes looked in the woods. I especially liked the scene to the right which portrays Efa running away from the Masked Murderer. There are a couple of extra shots that I'd like to experiment with in this woodland area too as I think high angle and low angle shots can be used more to portray Efa's weakness compared with the Masked Murderer's strength. Furthermore, I began to lose the light during the filming of some parts therefore I would like to re-film the darker parts as I don't think they are in focus properly and don't look very good.
Again, I am very pleased with how the scene turned out with the Masked Murderer inspecting the knife and then looking up (see the stills to the left). It is a shot that I hadn't intended on creating on the day but Sean managed to make it look very eery and I thought it worked incredibly well. I will definitely be adding this in to my thriller opening. Perhaps I could match the part when Sean looks up to a loud beat in the music to make the tension and suspense rise. I was impressed that Sean and Heather managed to grasp what I had imagined for the part where the Masked Murderer pulls his mask off as I feel that the scene looks incredibly effective and creates a plot twist - which is what the audience want to see according to my audience research.
Overall, I am pleased with how most of the footage turned out but I will be re-filming some sections on Saturday 10th November 2012 to ensure that the thriller looks smooth and effective throughout. I must make sure that I keep the continuity by keeping Heather and Sean in the same costumes and keeping the same props. By doing this, the film will hopefully look better and I will be able to edit my film next week.

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