Thursday 13 December 2012

Preliminary Task

This is our preliminary task from a couple of months ago. It was filmed and edited in October however, due to the footage being wiped off of the Mac I had to re-edit it today. Our intentions were to experiment with the camera, tripod and shot angles. I feel that this turned out quite well as the different angles and shot types are smooth and create a good continuity film. 
We started by brainstorming the narrative and then finalising our ideas. Sophie plays the spy, Tom plays the note writer and Abi plays the note receiver. As I didn't act in this short film I edited it using iMovie on the Mac. We did had difficulty filming with the tracking dolly because the carpet was bumpy and it made it go wobbly. However, this didn't effect our final media product too much. My favourite shot is the extreme close up and pan to the left from Tom's face to Sophie's face in the background. The soundscape is the Pink Panther theme tune which I believe works really well with this piece. 

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