Friday 14 December 2012

Editing Process

In total it took me around 5 weeks to edit my short Thriller film "Run". During this time I faced some problems that slowed my editing down and I also produced a rough edit. After producing my rough edit I received some feedback that allowed me to see areas that my target audience (teenagers aged 13-18) didn't enjoy as much - this was mainly the woodland scene as people felt the clip duration was too long as the music had sped up. Below is a screenshot of what the finished editing track looked like:


In total I used 3 different video layers and 6 different audio layers to build up how the shot appeared. My favourite bit that I edited was the very beginning when Heather was packing the bag and I layered the shot of the running water and knife on top (as well as the title). I thought that it worked effectively in creating suspense because the audience are able to foresee something happening to her character. However, my least favourite part is the second to last shot where Heather is seen walking through the woods from two different angles. I don't think this works as well because it almost breaks up the story because it doesn't fit with the other parts. Overall, I don't think this affects the finished product too much.

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