Friday, 26 October 2012

Transitions, Editing and Inspirations

In my thriller I have decided to use a range of different transitions and effects in order to build suspense and tension. I have decided to use jump cuts in some areas to speed up the shots of the action - this makes the actions more hidden and the audience feel mystery. My inspiration for this was the Se7en opening sequence, which I thought used jump cuts effectively to create tension. For the scenes that flash back in time I have decided to use white fade outs and white fade ins. Essentially, this signals to the audience that the action is happening at a different time as this is well known indication. I have seen this done in many films and TV programmes so this is where I got my inspiration from. Furthermore, I have chosen to do a black screen with a black fade to some white text because I thought the Body of Lies opening was extremely effective when it showed the bible quote. I thought instead of showing a bible quote - as it has nothing to do with my thriller - I would almost make it seem like a thought in the back of Efa's mind. Lastly, I am using a match cut between Efa's scream and the kettle because I thought the Psycho shower scene's match cut was particularly effective in keeping the continuity of the film smooth.

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