Sunday, 7 October 2012

Thriller Film Titles

  • The capitalised letters have an impact on the viewer because they are bold and noticeable - perhaps mimicking the aliens?
  • The sans serif font type adds a sterile/clean cut appearance to the title. This might reflect the futuristic "alien" idea and represent a modern thriller genre
  • The word ALIEN clearly links to the ideas and themes of the film as it describes the main narrative.

  • The spacing between the letters could symbolise the isolation and vulnerability of the aliens in space. Alternatively, it could symbolise the isolation of the characters in the film. 
  • The black background and white letters could represent space and the stars. Black has connotations of darkness, endlessness and mystery so it reflects the typical thriller conventions well. White has connotations of clean, sterile and pure so that could reflect the possible futuristic life forms that appear in the film. 
  • ALIEN has clear connotations of life forms, mystery, science and sci-fi so it would help appeal to a certain audience type. However, there are no apparent links to other things due to the fact that it's a noun with no other meanings except that of it's original one.

  • The capitalised letters almost add a shouting/echoing effect - the sort of effect one would get from shouting in a room. Alternatively, they are used to draw the viewer's eye to them as they are bold.
  • Again, the sans serif font makes the film appear to be more modern and possibly mirrors the edges of the room?
  • The fact that the word PANIC has connotations of fear, hysteria and lack of self-control would make the audience instantly know that it is a thriller film because they are typical emotions that would be expected in a thriller film. 
  • The fact that the letters are close together and in italics might suggest connotations of claustrophobia or a tight space. This links to the idea that they are stuck in a room which would make them feel claustrophobic. 
  • Red has negative connotations of danger, death and violence. However, it also has positive connotations of passion, love and warmth. One might suggest that due to the fact it's called PANIC ROOM the red colour is meant to provoke negative connotations as "panic" isn't a positive word. 
  • Again, the black area around the title has connotations of darkness, endlessness and mystery so it also reflects the typical thriller genre conventions.
  • "Room" has connotations of enclosed space and entrapment - thus further building the idea of claustrophobia. Also, these are typical thriller themes. 

1 comment:

  1. Two good deconstructions, Kaylie. I like that you have considered the connotations of teh words as well as the colour choices etc.
